
Mihrab is the alcove, on the back wall of the temple, which points towards Mecca and to which the faithful turn during prayers. This alcove in the Mosque of Reçep Pasha has been built by carved marble in a seven-sided shape, bears a zone with relief flowers and on the top it creates a conical point with alternative cypseloeid and hanging shapes. The mihrab is decorated by a frame in a Π shape with stars and hexagon motifs and a relief frame surrounding it. Following restoration works, today it is restored in its initial form.


Minbar is the raised stand with steps, like a pulpit, where the imam would stand to deliver his sermon. Here, the marble construction is well preserved, with its covered with relief ending of the landing. Three openings on each side at the base, corresponding to the railing, morphologically point to the decorative elements of the windows on the first level on the outdoor walls.

Tiled lintel

Inside the temple, over the ground floor windows, the walls create alcoves in the shape of half-moons, like an ottoman bow, which included surfaces made of ceramic tiles. Two such constellations are also evident on the outside wall, at the portico side, next to the openings of the windows. The tiles created shapes in four of the ten lintels, a floral decoration in vivid blue, green and red hues on a white backdrop and were very similar in shape and craft to the famous Lindos ceramic tiles. The rest, set on a blue backdrop, were used to represent calligraphic aphorisms from the Quran. Nowadays only a few pieces of piles are saved, reminiscent of their high quality and artistic value.

Entrance framing

The impressive door framing at the temple’s entrance is a marble construction combining off white and pink-terracotta marble. The door opening is under a low bow created by cuneiform marble stones of unique outline, alternating the two colours, with a lintel featuring an inscription over it. A second alcove, in line with the outer wall in ottoman bow (the bow point is straight lines and there are circle parts with two centres), is bordered by a frame with elaborate relief in a design of squares and octagons. The wooden entrance door, as it was saved in drawings and its present condition, is also very interesting, with its protruding geometrical elements in harmony with the temple ornamental details.


The portico, as it is preserved today, is a three part stone construction defined by a series of four marble pillars. It suffered extensive damage during the WWII bombings and only its western side had remained intact, along with the spherical triangles with parts of domes at the side near the temple wall. Today it has been fully restored, with new types of pillar heads and one original, the one to the side of the minaret, which had survived the destruction.

The octagonal base pillars, two of which (the side ones) are larger in diameter from the central, bore elaborate marble pillarheads similar to the underarches on the sides of the wall. The elevated platforms on both sides of the main entrance were used as a place of prayer when the outdoor area was not enough and that was the use of the outdoor minbar, the alcove on the left side, carved on the limestone.


The minaret is situated on the south western side of the mosque and the entrance was from the yard, under the initially covered by a wooden shelter walkway. It is also made of local limestone and in its interior the spiral staircase led to the gallery. Today only the octagonal base with the triangle parts on top which led to the round body until the first ring is saved. Over this part, the cylindrical construction continued, the cross section becoming gradually smaller and then a door opened to the typical gallery and the main body continued to the conical point. The octagonal base, which is dated to the same period as the mosque, is decorated with geometrical frames surrounded by shapes in returning rectangles and braided rope, while the triangle parts of the point to the ring are also decorated with rope designs.


Behind the Temple there is the Mausoleum, which was possibly built on 1600 to host the Pasha’s and his relatives’ sarcophagi. It is an octagonal construction made of limestone, covered by a half-circle dome, supported by eight semi-cones. On the outside, the walls end to a brim, as well as the octagonal pseudo-drum, while each of the eight sides is surrounded by a frame. The entrance door is in a low bow, also with frames, and there is a window and six blind openings at the centre of the rest sides.

Shardivans – Purification fountains

The fountain kiosk is dominant on the square facing the main north-western side of the Mosque, under the large plane tree, which Muslmis traditionally related to purifying. Opposite the kiosk there is a line of wall encased previously built fountains, on limestone and marble, which probably were not used any more when the new, impressive fountain was built, a few years before the Italians came, in the beginning of the 29th century. On an octagonal elevated platform made of marble stones we see eight pillars, with quite simplified pillar heads supporting the ottoman bows and the wall and then the hemispherical dome, all made of limestone. In the centre of the construction we find the marble twelve corner fountain with the relief cross section, in all sides of which was a faucet for the people wishing to wash. The fountain was in the center, with a relief similar to the minaret base decorations and it is covered by a wicker style wooden construction with curved cross section. It is well preserved following the addition of metallic pullers among the bows.

Purification fountain

Opposite the kiosk there is a line of wall encased previously built fountains, on limestone and marble, which probably were not used any more when the new, impressive fountain was built, a few years before the Italians came, in the beginning of the 20th century.