Ancient wall-pier

The foundation of the ancient wall with the south rectangular tower with dimensions 17.50x17.50m. was discovered intact at the south part of the excavated area. This fortifying arrangement included a low pier towards which the gate of the basement area of the tower was opened. A little to the north, elements of the continuity of the wall, which was enforced by transverse main and secondary counterforts, were discovered,the interpretation of which is attempted in the graphic restoration proposal that is presented.

Knights' mole of the middle 14th century (De Gozon)

At the west side of the mole of the Windmills one can seethe mole that the great Grand Master De Gozon "constructed" in 1356. This was a monumental construction, which encased the remains of the ancient wall's foundations, after using the ancient stones intact. This fact caused confusion to archaeological investigators, who until the systematic archaeological excavation and the exposure of the Hellenistic wall's course thought that this was the facade of the ancient mole. The formation of the mole's facade with the regularly arranged double stairs, which served the operation of the port and the windmills, is characteristic.

Medieval windmills

A series of regularly arranged windmills, the number of which ranged between 12 and 15, constituted the most significant characteristic of the "mole of the Windmills", and one of the most significant landmarks of the knight town. Its use was of particular significance for supplying the town in times of peace. During periods of siege, they also had a defensive function, as they operated as small individual towers. There are frequent mentions of cases of collapses of the windmills, which were immediately reconstructed, since they were necessary for the town.

Fortification of the windmills' enclosure 13th-14th centuries

The eastern side of the medieval mole is characterized by the probably post-Byzantine fortification, which included the arched enclosures of the windmills. Of course, it is obvious that due to its particularly exposed to the sea position, it includes many destructions and reconstructions of various parts, in subsequent historical periods, and particularly during the Turkish rule.

Listed modern buildings

These are the facilities buildings of the modern town port during the Italian rule, in which today the Customs with the office building, its Warehouses and the Duty Free Store, the Passenger Station and the Dodecanese Harbor Fund are located. These are works of eponymous Italian architects, particularly the building of the Dodecanese Harbor Fund, which was designed by Petracco, and are listed along with the wider zone that surrounds them as Modern Monuments of the history of the town of Rhodes.

Blockhouse of the Turkish rule (end of 19th century)

At the northern part of the mole, the fortification wall of the last period of the Turkish rule was constructed at the end of the 19th century, and constitutes the sole sample of fortifying architecture of this period in the town of Rhodes. The powerful blockhouse, which covered the defence of the eastern side of the mole,opposite the edge of the mole of Acandia, which was vulnerable to the artillery, is an impressive example. The elaborate marble formation of the "beds", where an enforced battery was apparently installed, proves the significance of the area during the Russian-Turkish wars of that period.

Hellenistic tower - edge of the ancient mole

During the completion of the excavation investigation in the interior of the Ottoman enclosure, significant parts of the continuity and the edge of the Hellenistic fortification emerged in great depth. At the same time, the construction of a retaining wall at an undefined point in time, was ascertained, in order to facilitate the systematic quarrying and transportation of the material, probably for the subsequent constructions of the mole itself and the tower of the Windmills.

The foundation of the most massive tower that has been discovered until today at the fortification of the town of Rhodes is impressive. The dimensions of the tower were 20.00x 20.00 m.; the tower has two spaces and has probably had gone throughinterventions for its subsequent expansion and enforcement.

Fixed base of the port chain

One of the significant discoveries of the excavation investigation is the arrangement of the fixed end of the port's chain, which was installed at the base of the Naillac tower during its construction between 1396 and 1421. Its inclusion with the appropriate formation of the section of the 8.00m. thick wall of the pier, which limited the port's opening during the post-Byzantine and early knightly period, stresses the succession of these two entrance control arrangements at the medieval commercial port. At the underground space, where a narrow stairwaywas leading, a marble coating was laid, on which a marble bollard -part of an ancient pillar, probably of the central Roman road- "cardo" was placed.

Tower of France or of the Windmills

The Tower of the Windmills or of France bears the emblem of the King of France, the famous "fleurdelys". This is one of the most significant cylindrical towers of transitional form, which were constructed during the 15th century, both on the land and the sea area of the town's fortifications. In its present form, some parts are preserved, which may lead to the graphic restoration of its two significant building phases, before and after the siege of 1480.